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Create custom Tailwind Error Page with Next.js


Hello there! ๐Ÿ‘‹ First article of the Next.js topic, I'll try to share tips and usefull code snippets here! ๐Ÿงช


A 404 error page can frequently be visited, and every time a user accesses Next.js, an error page is rendered on the server. This adds to server load, leading to increased prices and sluggish experiences. To avoid these issues, Next.js comes with a static 404 page by default without requiring the addition of any more files. However, we can extend this page to build a custom one.

Let's see a basic implementation!

Create Custom 404 Page

We will build a basic implementation of a custom 404 page.:


Start your next.js application, and find a random page like /page-not-present to see the built-in 404 page that we want to customize:


To create the custom 404 page, we need to create a new page called 404.js in our pages directory:

// pages/404.js
import Link from 'next/link'

const Custom404 = () => {
  return (
    <div className="min-h-full bg-white px-4 py-16 sm:px-6 sm:py-24 md:grid md:place-items-center lg:px-8">
      <div className="mx-auto max-w-max">
        <main className="sm:flex">
          <p className="bg-gradient-to-br from-pink-400 to-cyan-600 bg-clip-text text-4xl font-bold tracking-tight text-transparent sm:text-5xl">
          <div className="sm:ml-6">
            <div className="sm:border-l sm:border-gray-200 sm:pl-6">
              <h1 className="text-4xl font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-900 sm:text-5xl">
                Page not found
              <p className="mt-1 text-base text-gray-500">
                Please check the URL in the address bar and try again.
            <div className="mt-10 flex space-x-3 sm:border-l sm:border-transparent sm:pl-6">
              <Link href="/">
                <a className="inline-flex items-center rounded-md  border-transparent  bg-gradient-to-br from-pink-400 to-cyan-600 px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-gradient-to-br hover:from-pink-600 hover:to-cyan-800 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-pink-500 focus:ring-offset-2">
                  Go back home
              <Link href="/support">
                <a className="inline-flex items-center rounded-md border border-transparent bg-pink-100 px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-black hover:bg-pink-200 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-pink-500 focus:ring-offset-2">
                  Contact support

export default Custom404

๐ŸŽ‰ Now, we can reload the /no-page-here page, and we should see the new page:


Create Custom 500 page

In your development journey, you may encounter a 500 error due to missing data or server issues. Like the custom 404.js page above, you can create a custom error page for those as well. To create the custom 500 page, we need to create a new page called 500.js in our pages directory:

// pages/500.js
import Link from 'next/link'

const Custom500 = () => {
  return (
    <div className="min-h-full bg-white px-4 py-16 sm:px-6 sm:py-24 md:grid md:place-items-center lg:px-8">
      <div className="mx-auto max-w-max">
        <main className="sm:flex">
          <p className="bg-gradient-to-br from-red-400 to-yellow-600 bg-clip-text text-4xl font-bold tracking-tight text-transparent sm:text-5xl">
          <div className="sm:ml-6">
            <div className="sm:border-l sm:border-gray-200 sm:pl-6">
              <h1 className="text-4xl font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-900 sm:text-5xl">
                Internal Server error
              <p className="mt-1 text-base text-gray-500">
                The server encountered an internal error. Please try again later.
            <div className="mt-10 flex space-x-3 sm:border-l sm:border-transparent sm:pl-6">
              <Link href="/">
                <a className="inline-flex items-center rounded-md  border-transparent  bg-gradient-to-br from-red-400 to-yellow-600 px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-gradient-to-br hover:from-red-600 hover:to-yellow-800 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-orange-500 focus:ring-offset-2">
                  Go back home
              <Link href="/support">
                <a className="inline-flex items-center rounded-md border border-transparent bg-pink-100 px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-black hover:bg-pink-200 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-pink-500 focus:ring-offset-2">
                  Contact support

export default Custom500

๐ŸŽ‰ Now, we can reload the broken app, and we should see the new page:


What is a 404 error page?

The 404 error indicates that the server where the page should reside has been contacted but that the page is does not exist at that address, at that time.

What is a 500 error page?

The 500 Internal server errors indicates. The application is basically unusable. Most likely, there is a server error, not just one in your code.

๐Ÿ”— See more about HTTP error code: TODO: create error code blog post

If you ever reach the end of this article, thank you for reading me โšกโœจ