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Open Source, learning, and motivation


👋 Hello, and welcome to my first post. I make this a place where i will share, learn and teach the little i have learned alongside amazing people.

Hello world

I am starting this site with a purpose - to perpetuate a meaning to my life, and to be a home for my mind.

From the people I have met, the interviews I have participated in, the hackatons I have participated in, and the whole process of learning and growing, it has a power to move me forward.

It's better to look ahead and prepare, than to look back and regret. Jackie Joyner-Kersee.

Docendo discimus - by teaching, we learn.

Open Source

I recently stepped into 'Open Source (OSS)' and I am very excited about it. I already met awesome folks from all over the world, and we spent many moments to hack/build projects together.

What is open source ?

Open source licensing encourages innovation through collaboration. Without it, many of the technologies we take for granted today would never have developed, or would be locked away behind patent law. The open source movement is the reason that technology has developed at such a breakneck pace for the past few decades.


Software development is an amazing job, if continuous learning doesn't scare you.

But if you're like me, that is to say a crazy person always on the lookout for the latest technologies and innovations, then this is a job for you! I can't go a day without at least learning something, no matter what the subject.

This is 7 reasons to learn something new everyday :

  1. Enhance your quality of life
  2. Knowledge is power
  3. Improve your skills
  4. Improve your mental health
  5. Improve your relationships
  6. Be a better person
  7. Meet amazing people from learning communities


I've been wanting to create a blog and share my research and projects for a long time. Now that my blog is alive, I'm going to try to share one post a week at least. I don't know yet how I will organize it. I will share tutorials, tips and tales.
