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What's the best way to learn software development?


Asking questions like What's the best way to learn software development? or How can I become employable quickly? may seem straightforward, but they're actually quite tricky questions that don't have a clear-cut answer.

No method - No format

There's no one-size-fits-all approach to learning, no single format that works for everyone. Each person is unique, with their own learning needs and life experiences.

The problem with traditional schooling system is that we've been conditioned to think that there's a right way to learn, a set formula that we need to follow. And if we make a mistake or stumble along the way, we'll never be able to recover. But that couldn't be further from the truth.

At my company, we have people from all walks of life with different backgrounds and experiences. And what I've learned is that you need to trust yourself, embrace your uniqueness, and chart your own course.

So, what's the best way to become a software developer?

Instead of giving you a list of resources, I'll tell you this:

Do what you love.

Create something that excites you.

Follow your passion.

It doesn't matter which programming language you choose or how modern it is (even if it's obsolete or not widely used or not modern, who cares)!. What matters is that you take the first step and start doing something. Embrace the hacker mindset and dive in.

If your goal is to build a Minecraft server, then go for it. You'll naturally learn the specific programming language you need as you work on the project. And because you're passionate about the project, you'll spend hours tinkering with the code and discovering things you never thought possible.

So, follow your heart, pursue your passion, and spread love. Have a great day! 🧰