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I'm starting to learn Unity3D !


Hello there! ๐Ÿ‘‹ I always dreamed about designing and developing my own video games. But never found the required times to learn the essential skills to make my dream come true.

But this time is OVER! I'm starting to learn Unity3D today only with free resources โญ

My background

I'm Maxime Kubik, and I'm 27 years old. I'm a software developer (full-stack) working for the manufacturing industry. I build custom software packages and business applications every day. I'm also a gamer, but never did any game development ever! I don't know anything about indie game culture or about Unity3D.

What is Unity ?

Unity is a game development framework. It's software that allows you to create games and 3D applications. It's a great tool to learn and one of the most simple to use as a software developer. We mostly use C# to develop scripts. Folks say it's extremely easy to use ... I'm not sure about that. Let's talk about it in 2 months maybe ๐Ÿ˜‚

Internet says the learning curve to master Unity takes approximately 3 to 9 months (full-time maybe..). I love to learn, so I'm going to try to learn it.

Unity is used by some of the biggest names in the industry like:

  • Monument Valley
  • Temple run
  • Angry Birds

For indie developers, Unity is game-changing as it means they can compete with much bigger companies. You can download Unity on their official website:

๐Ÿ”— Download Unity here: Unity Official Website

Where can we learn Unity for free?

I started my learning journey on the Unity Learning Platform and I can only advise you to check it out. โšก

Unity Learning Platform is an award-winning tutorials, hands-on projects, and in-depth courses platform. You can access over 750 hours of on-demand learning content and live learning sessions for creators at every skill level.

How to access the learning platform

You need to go to the Unity Learning Platform website and create an account. It's free, and it's easy with Google Auth. The account is needed to track your progress and to access the learning content.

How to access the learning content

You need to register to a Pathways. There are 4 big pathways:

  • Unity Essentials (~2 weeks)
  • Junior Programmer (~12 weeks)
  • Creative Core (~10 weeks)
  • VR Development (~6 weeks)

Each pathway have Mission checkpoints and XP Points. You'll get a Badge after completing your pathway. And to reward you, Unity gives you the possibility to unlock free assets from their assets store :

I chose the Unity Essentials pathway which is the most advised pathway for beginners to get started.


Where should i start?

There is plenty of tutorials on Unity Learning, but i advise you to start from the Unity Essentials Pathway

They advise learning the basics from what they call Unity's Microgames. And they are right! Unity's Microgames are your go-to for getting started with Unity.

The in-editor tutorials will help you build, play, and share your very first game in no time. Learn within Unity Editor (no second screen necessary!) with step-by-step instructions that highlight each tool and progress after you complete each task.

You will discover 3 game genres:

  • FPS ๐Ÿ”ซ
  • Racing game ๐ŸŽ
  • Platformer ๐Ÿ•น

๐Ÿ”— Unity's Microgames

Look at my first journey on Unity 3D

This screenshot shows Unity MicroGame platformer to see how assets/scripts work together :


I still can't create a game after this first journey, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it in the future. Working in public will help me to keep learning! I can't wait to share Unity tips!

If you ever reach the end of this article, thank you for reading me โšกโœจ